Fun With You

Spending Quality Time With Dad

Children often take the time they spend with their mum’s for granted because their dad is the elusive parent.

As though, mums didn’t have enough roles, serving as the glue that holds the family together is one of the greatest and often the hardest. So how do you help your children and their father spend quality time together? Here are a couple suggestions from Ajapamums:

1) Encourage the father to include the children in his hobbies. Does he like football? Get them to watch/play together. Does he enjoy snooker? Have him teach the kids how to play. It is easier to get him to involve the kids in the time that he has already set aside as free time and also having similar interests will increase the bond between father and child.

2) As mothers, we often feel we know exactly what to do and how to do it, but learn to involve the dad’s in parental decisions. Ask him what to do about your daughter’s recent love of goth music, encourage him to talk to and counsel his kids.

3) What are your child’s interests? And how can you get their dad involved? Every Monday, we post an arts and crafts project on the site. Invite the dad to take part in it, then leave them alone as soon as the opportunity arises. They’ll be laughing and learning in no time.

4) Mealtimes are a great time for catching up and bonding. Have dinner on the dining table, as a family. Turn off the Tv. Make this a rule in your household – everyone eats together in the evening. It’ll surprise you the positive effect this has on the family relationship!

5) Sometimes all you need to do is talk. Let him know how much his children want to play with him and learn from him. Often with the chaos of work etc, it is easy to overlook how little time is spent with the family.

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