Fun With You

How To Make An Origami Fortune Cookie

Can you remember those fortune cookies with fortunes and secret messages hidden inside? Its easy to make one. Create fortune cookies with your kid by following the easy steps listed below.

Step 1: First, fold one sheet in half horizontally to create a crease guide and then unfold the sheet of paper.


Step 2: Next, fold the sheet in half vertically to create a crease guide and then unfold it.

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Step 3: Now fold down each corner so it meets up with the centre of the page.

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Step 4: Flip the folded piece of paper over and fold down each corner so it meets up with the centre of the page.

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Step 5: Now, fold the paper in half so the triangle  flaps are facing each other.



Step 6: Finally, insert your thumbs and pointer fingers under the flaps on each side.

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Step 7: Pinch your fingers together.

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You did it! For fun, add fortunes or secret messages under the flaps for your kids to discover.

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