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Hair Care Tips

How does your child’s hair feel on a day to day basis? Is it dry? Is it so delicate it breaks easily?

1) If your child’s hair is too dry they will need products that give moisture to his/her hair. The first ingredient of these products should be water. Some great examples of moisturizers are coconut oil, argon oil, shea butter, mango butter and avocado butter.

2) If your child’s hair breaks too easily, products with protein need to be applied to the hair. An example of a product that has protein is organic hair mayonnaise. Any products that have ingredients such as kerath or hydrolizeal are great for adding strength.

3) Use the hair cream from the end of the strands gently working up towards the scalp. An additional measure is rubbing a bit of Jamaican black castor oil into your child’s scalp to promote hair growth.


4) Gently comb your child’s hair using a big comb so no hair is being forcefully pulled out of his or her scalp. Work from the bottom to the top because the hair gets tangled.
Note that the if comb is pulled through the hair briskly this will cause hair breakage.

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