

Ajapaworld is an educational and entertainment company for the Nigerian child and family.

We endeavor to:

  • Educate the young minds of Nigeria in a fun and memorable way
  • Instil our values and culture in our children
  • Strengthen the bond between parents and their children.


Ajapamums was created with these goals in mind because it is our mums who often spend the most time with us.

This blog is managed by:


A Young Mother

onyiOnyinye has a beautiful young one year old son.

She regularly herself navigating the waters for the first time and is excited to pass on what she learns.

She enjoys trying out new recipes and spending time with her family.





An Aspiring Mother

ajapa-oyin-compositionOyinkan is not a mother yet.

However, she has worked with kids in schools and churches in England and in Nigeria and considers herself to be a lover of all things child friendly.

She enjoys reading, writing and anything to do with art


A Cartoon Mother

yarinbo head gearYarinbo is Ajapa’s wife and the mother of his son.

She is the quintessential Nigerian mother and will pass on all the tricks she has learnt.





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